Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet
Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet
Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet
Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet
Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet
Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet
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Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet


    Bring a splash of colour and joy to any room with our Large Pink & White Daisy Flower Bouquet. These large, bold flowers feature soft pink petals with crisp white accents, making them a standout addition to any floral arrangement. Handcrafted with care, these daisies are perfect for creating a bright and cheerful bouquet that will last forever.

    These flowers work wonderfully on their own or can be paired with other flower stems to build your own unique bouquet. Whether you’re designing a gift for someone special or decorating your home, the Large Pink & White Daisies will add a fresh, lively vibe to your space.

    For a personalised touch, these flowers are also great for sending as a letterbox gift when ordered without a vase.

    What's in the box: 3 pink large daisies, 2 white large daisies and 2 large leaves, postcard with tips and link to styling information.

    Pictured in our mint green small vase.


    • Our ceramic flowers vary in shape to reflect natural flower forms.
    • The clay has naturally occurring flecks.
    • Every stem is handmade so colours may vary.
    • Copper wire is malleable and easy to tweak or bend to desired length. 

    Approximate Dimensions

    Large Leaf: W1.8cm x L3cm
    Stem Length: 18-19cm
    Flower Diameter: 3.5-4cm